Mine Bouille” which is as simple as its name states – plain simply boiled noodles served with a topping of your choice. The topping can be mince meat, tomato sauce (rougaille), tinned pilchard cooked in a tomato sauce or curry, thinly sliced omelette….choice is yours. For those who have never had this meal you might think I’m crazy, but trust me it is a Mauritian delicacy. A simple dish that can be put together in very little time, but you sure will want second helpings!!!!

Ingredients Serves 4
400 g egg noodles (you can buy fresh noodle from any Chinese stores, but by all means if you cannot get them, dried packet noodles is fine)
250 g of minced beef
1 clove of garlic – minced
1 onion, chopped
3 sprigs springs onion – thinly sliced
Handful of frozen peas and sweet corn (optional)
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon seasoning dark soy sauce
Salt & Pepper – Be careful when seasoning since some soya sauce can be quite salty
Place a large pot filled with water and bring to the boil, add a drizzle of oil.
In a hot frying pan drizzle a little bit of oil, add the chopped onion followed by the minced meat, for until for 5 minutes.
Add the chopped garlic mix well and cook for another few minutes, stirring the meat around.
Season with salt and pepper, oyster sauce, soy sauce and a little water and continue cooking, stirring to ensure that all meat is properly mixed with all the spices and sauces. Taste for seasoning and adjust as needed.
Meanwhile add the noodle to the boiling water, the best way to boil noodles is to put them in a large strainer over the boiling water – this way it’s easy to remove them boiled noodle from the hot water and not overcook them. Boil for approximately 3-4 minutes (follow instruction of the packet)
Once the noodles are cooked, drain. To serve simply plate in a bowl top with the mince meat and sprinkle the chopped spring onions on top.
Enjoy with chilli sauce of your choice, in Mauritius we serve it with a very hot mint and coconut chutney.
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